Thursday, July 9, 2009

Blogs About Lesson Plans Using Technology

Friday, January 09, 2009

Technology lesson planning 101

First of all...On the excellent Doug Johnson Blue Skunk Blog, there are two recent articles well worth reading: one is Seven brilliant things teachers do with technology, in which I particularly like the idea that we should "use technology's engagement (not entertainment) power" [>> more].

The second is Seven stupid mistakes teachers make with technology, "stupid" being a word he uses with some reservation.

I've got the same reservations myself about "stupid". "Can I ask a stupid question?" people sometimes ask me in technology seminars, meaning a question that might seem stupid to experts, an idea that embarrasses the questioner. But the question never turns out to be stupid: "basic" is perhaps the word being sought.

As regards using technology, let's call it "silly", shall we? To my mind, the silliest mistake you can make as a teacher is not having a Plan B in case the technology goes wrong, as at some point it inevitably will.

"Silly" is a word I hear teachers use: they say, for example, "you just look silly in front of all your students when there's no Internet connection".

But that's the great thing about having a "Plan B": if you do, you won't look silly, on the contrary, you'll look slickly professional, which as a learner is how I like my teacher to look...

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